I'm a wee bit sick at the moment (nasty cold), but so far he doesn't seem too badly affected by it. He's still nasally and congested sounding, but maybe that's perfectly normal..
However, like the sweet, adorable baby that he is, and knowing that his mommy needed her sleep, Owen has decided to sleep a bit more for the last 2 nights. Saturday night he pulled 2 5 hour stretches, and last night he pulled a 5 hour and a 4 hour! Woo hoo!! Funnily, whenever his last middle of the night feed is, he automatically wakes around 7:30am. Fine by me, as that's what I'd like his wake time to be. Maybe he's just way more clever than I think!!
Speaking of being clever.. I'm pretty sure he's a brilliant mathmetician. See, when he was born he weighed in at 3.165 - not a very nice number. So, before the week was out, he dropped to an even 3kg. Then, in the first week he put on 250g. The next week he put on 300. The following week he put on 350. Wanna guess the next 2 weeks?? Yep, 400 the one, and 450 the next!! Anyone wanna bet he puts on 500g this week?? I'd laugh if he did. He was sitting at 4.4 kg as of last Thursday (that's just under 10lbs).
The girls are, naturally, still madly in love with Owen. Begging to hold him, kiss him, hold his hand, feed him etc.
Speaking of weight, he's certainly filling out well. His cheeks are well and truly chubby. His double chin a prominent feature. His stomach is sticking out almost as far as his daddy's (hahaha)!! And, his arm and leg rolls are developing nicely. I have no doubt he'll be a lovely roly-poly baby before long :)
He's a bit spilly - not spewy, just spilly. So far, he hasn't had any projectile spews, but he does seem to constantly have milk coming out of his mouth after a feed. I'm constantly changing the blanket I have under his head in his bed, because its always soaked!

He's starting to sleep really well. After basically holding him for his first three weeks, I started to get him into his routine at week 4, and this week he's just doing amazingly well. He does have a tendency to wake a bit early from his naps, but I think he really is honestly that hungry! I'm trying to make sure he goes at least 2 1/2 hours between each nap, but sometimes he can barely make it to 2 hours!
He also has a bad habit of lying in his bed awake for a long time. I don't have a video monitor, so I never know except for the occasional "WAH!" that comes from his room.
Today, for example, I fed him at 7:30 and he was back in bed by 8:15am. I'm pretty sure he just lied awake the whole time, and around 9:30 he started crying on and off. He'll cry for 10 seconds, then quiet for 2 minutes. Then he'll cry for 20 seconds, and is quiet for 90 seconds.. until finally he's crying quite hard.. or he nods off. In this case, he got louder, so I went and got him. I fed him at 10:15 (so 2 3/4 hours), and he was back in bed by 10:30. I heard 2 short WAH's and then he was asleep! :)
1:15 he woke on his own, so I fed him and played with him (took a few of these pictures), and had him back in bed by 2. He didn't even make a peep and went straight to sleep. What a sweetheart!!
He woke again at 4:15, so I fed him and had him back in bed by 5 (see a pattern anyone??). He woke again at 6:30. I held him off for a few minutes and fed him at 6:45. 7:30, he was back in bed. He's lying there now. Occasionally, I hear him reminding me he's awake, but for the most part he's quiet.
I expect, if other days are anything to go by, he'll wake by 9 wanting food. I'll oblige and go to bed straight after!

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