What a crazy week we've had!
7 weeks old |
Owen had Plunket (the well child nurses) come and visit him for the first time, a Dr's visit, his 6 week vaccines, his last visit with my midwife, his Oma and Opa came for the weekend AND he as baptized! Whew, I'm tired just remembering everything!
All three different health professionals deemed Owen healthy and fit. Phew, what a relief! :) he even did really well for the vaccines. He screamed bloody murder for while they were poking him and then just as abruptly he stopped and was fine. But just for good measure, he gave the nurse a really good sneer! He only put on another 250g or so, but he's at a full 11 pounds now. Yippee!
7 week cutie pie |
And, because he's healthy and putting on weight, he's started to sleep longer stretches! For the past 3 nights, I've managed to put him to bed around 7, give him a sleepy feed before I go to bed (around 10), and he's slept until between 4-5 and then with incredible precision, he wakes up at 7:30! Long may his perfectly timed precision continue!!
And, speaking of sleep, we just moved all our bedrooms around today, and Owen is officially in his own room! Woo hoo!! He's already slept there for 2 naps, and now I've just put him down for the night. I'm so excited to get our room back! We are just not cut out to have babies in our bedroom!
Our newest family picture |
Owen in the baptism gown that his daddy also wore. (He has a tie underneath to "man" it up a bit!) |
Oma & Opa. |

Marco's parents came for a visit this weekend and we had Owen baptized. Nothing overly exciting happened over the weekend, it was just a great time spent with family and letting them cuddle Owen and play with the girls. The baptism was nice. Great sermon about families. Kelsey refused at the last minute to come up on the stage with us. Morgan was happy to come, but had a minor wardrobe malfunction. As we got up on the stage, Marco pointed out that I needed to fix her skirt as it was all bunched up around her waist. Turns out while she as sitting in the pew, she had been playing with her stretchy necklace and got it around her waist somehow, and all tangled up with her skirt. So, while the entire church waited patiently, I fumbled blindly with her dress and necklace, until the necklace finally was flung across the stage and the skirt hung free again. Owen, meanwhile was oblivious to everything and staring up at the ceiling. He's a lovely little baby.
Baptism - minus Kelsey |
If you're interested, you can watch Owen's baptism
We did receive one other piece of news this week. Marco was offered (and accepted) and Captain's position with his company!! Yippee!! We've been waiting for a position to be offered to us. And, we'd decided a long time ago that when a position was offered to us, we would trust that it was God's timing and God's will for us to go to that place. So, even though it doesn't seem like good timing for us to move right now, we believe it is God's will for our family. So, on with our plans.
Owen, announcing Daddy's new job |
Marco will start training next week and be away from home a lot for that. When he is home, he NEEDS to keep working on finishing the house. We have a LOT of work to do before the house can be sold. Plus, we have plans to go to Canada in June, so we're going to go ahead with that plan as well. Hopefully when we get back from that trip, we can finish off the last two rooms in the house and get the house on the market in the spring. So, we would covet all your prayers over the next few months as we prepare for this huge transition.
And so begins a new week...
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