He put on another 350g this week. Ok, so he's not my mathematical genius. But, I'm still happy with his weight gain. His latest weight gain put him at 4.750kg - that's about 10 1/2 pounds! which might also explain why last night (for the first time ever) he went 8 hours between feedings! Woo Hoo!! Momma got some sleep!!
Of course, now that he's 6 weeks old, we've got a busy week ahead of us. This is the week that we see our Plunket nurse for the first time, we say goodbye to our lovely midwife, and Owen gets to meet his Dr and the lovely nurses who're going to stab him with the first of his vaccines. Fun times!
We're also prepping for his baptism next Sunday. So, we have a meeting with the pastor this week. Plus, Marco's parents are heading up for the weekend. So, Owen gets to meet his namesake for the first time!! I'm excited.. even if Owen isn't.
As one would expect for the son of a pilot, we have a small airplane theme going with Owen. Just so long as he doesn't become a pilot when he's big, we're ok with indulging him now :)
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Thanks Groete Tante Wendy! |
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Thank-you Karla for all the lovely clothes!! |
i have a small obsession with his hands. Actually, its really sweet, but Owen loves having his hand held. If he's upset, all you have to do is hold his hand and he immediately calms down. Of course, its hard to get any work done around the house if you're holding a little tiny hand, but I suppose it won't be long before he won't even want to be near me, let alone hold my hand!
And, of course, Kelsey & Morgan still absolutely adore Owen. Actually, I think their love for him grows more every day. The more they learn about babies, the more they get to know Owen and what he does and doesn't do.
Cute story: Kelsey was "napping" in my bed the other day, with strict instructions to "BE QUIET" as Owen was sleeping in the same room. Well, just before 3pm (wake up time), I hear Owen wake up and start to cry. It was a bit before he was due to eat, so I was hoping he'd just settle back down. However, moments later, his cry turned into an all out, full blown scream! I go into the room, to discover, to my shock and horror, Kelsey standing at the foot of my bed overlooking the cot, and viciously shaking a toy in Owen's face. I, of course, react badly, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" And, of course, she starts to cry. "C'mon out" I reply, much calmer now, "let's talk". So, while I feed Owen, I attempt to get out of Kelsey what exactly she was doing. Finally, after many tears, she whimpers, "I was trying to make him happy." Mommy heart break moment. So, we talked some more about how right now only mommy can make Owen happy and just because he cries doesn't mean we always have to get him. We have to listen and think about what he best needs. And, right now only Mommy knows best what he needs. (if only I always felt that was true!)
And, as for me.. well. frankly.. I'm tired. If my memory serves me right, I get this way around week 6, so it shouldn't surprise me. But, I feel like I've hit a brick wall. I start to do silly (slightly dangerous) things. Words are harder to find. My Words with Friends games are going awfully bad. See how serious its getting?? I need sleep!! I think its even harder this time around, because there's just no break in the day. I had hoped that having both girls still "napping" every day from 1-3 would be enough of a break, but typically, Owen needs one feed during that time, plus dinner needs to be prepped, lunch cleaned up, laundry done.. you know, family stuff. I think I need to be more purposeful about sitting with my feet up and closing my eyes during my breaks. That might mean putting my ipod down and not playing as many WWF games, but I don't know if that's possible... :)
Harmony, Owen is so cute. I love the pictures of the girls with Owen too! Just remember that 6-8 weeks is always the peek or horribleness! But it is like babies typically turn a corner after that. Hang in there...not much longer for you!