Well.. Morgan is 15 months old now. OK.. has been for a week or 2. She's fully done for her shots (until she's 4) and now that she's walking 90% of the time, i think its compeltely official - she's a Toddler!
We had her 15 mo plunket visit the other day (Plunket is the well-child nurses. You go there - or they come to you - at set intervals to make sure you don't have any questions and to make sure your kid is growing and developing normally). Anyway, she has 7 teeth (4 top, 3 bottom), with at least 2 more nearly through. She is 76 cm tall and weighs 10.24 kg. Hard to believe she started off at 3.5 kg and 51 cm!
Kelsey was along as well.. and thought it looked like fun to get weighed and measured - So, at 31 months she's 13.8 kg and 92 cm. At Kels's 15 mo check she was 10.12 kg and 77 cm - I guess they're WAY more similar than I thought. For some reason I think Morgan is a lot taller and skinnier than Kelsey.. but I guess not.
Morgan is also learning to talk. yesterday she said "Kelsey" for the first time. That was exciting. She loves saying, "Mommy" and "Bye bye" and she's said, "Amen" for ages. but she refuses to say, "daddy" or "Gramma". She's quite stubborn!!
She also does whatever her big sister does. Lately its feels like I have twins around here. Whatever one does, the other imemdiately copies. One takes off her socks, the other socks are close behind. One starts screaming or shaking her head "no" - the other thinks its a fun game and is close behind. We certainly try to encourage their getting along, but some days.. well... they're a little too close for comfort!!
St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids
3 days ago
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