Forgotten blog post - written April 14, 2010
I'm not sure if I've changed my attitude or if the girls are just going through a more "fun" stage - but I'm really enjoying them right now. They're funny. And.. one should remember funny things.. it helps you get through the rough times. So.. here's a few things that have happened and been said around this house lately.
The other day Marco and I were sitting around chatting after he got home from work. Kelsey was sitting in the rocking chair, insessently asking to go to the park. "Mom.. I think we should go to the park." "Dad, can we go to the park today?" "Hmm.. I think it would be a good idea if I go to the swings today." (you get the idea). Marco and I were trying to talk about something else. Finally, I turned to Kelsey and said, "Please don't ask again, daddy and I will talk about it and let you know!" So, I turn back to Marco and as we're gathering our thoughts, Kelsey says - with her arms folded in front of her sitting on my rocking chair like a little madam - "I don't hear any woo-ords". We almost peed ourselves.
Kelsey is also jsut starting to use her imagination - although its funniest because its still "real" play - just imitating things that she's seen or have happened to her. So, yesterday, she was playing with her dolls. She lined them all up on the couch and first htey were crying, so she was breastfeeding them. Then they had to go to sleep.. but then.. then, they all started being "naughty". So, one by one she'd pick them up and tell them they were being naughty and needed a smack! Then she'd take them to her room and have a "chat" with them. "I told you no and you were naughty. You have a bad attitude so you need to sit here until I come back" Then she'd step out of the door and go back in and say, "now say sorry and give me a hug and a kiss". I was killing myself laughing. Maybe something is getting through to her!
Obviously, Morgan doesn't say cute things.. but she's still so funny. She's started this thing at the table where after I pray for the food, normally she's just supposed to say Amen. But she started to notice that we sometimes let Kelsey say her own prayer, and I guess she thought that looked pretty easy, becuase now, whenever I (or Marco) am finished praying she first looks at us, then puts her chin on her chest and mumbles to herself, then throws her arms in the air and yells "AMEN". So funny.
You know how when kids are learning how to walk they hold their hands up in the air - almost as if they're balancing themselves. Well, that's how Morgan walks - most of the time. The other day I caught her walking with her hands behind her back , strutting around the room like she owned the place and was overseeing everything. She has that air about her. We've also caught her walking around with her hands on her hips.. so cute!
Marco started teaching Morgan to say "Yes Dad/Mom" but since she doesn't say enough words, she just needs to nod. So now whenever he is (or I am) telling her off, she's nodding her head like a little bobble head. makes it quite hard to keep a straight face!
St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids
3 days ago