So, today was Kelsey's FIRST day at Preschool.
I was SO excited!! Oh.. she was excited too.
Last week we dropped by the preschool to check it out. Its a preschool that I started looking into about 1/2 a year ago and was hugely disappointed to find that they only take kids once they're 2 1/2. They claim that, in general, they're not ready for the structure before then. In the case of Kelsey, I think she would've been more ready for the structure half a year ago, and is more likely to rebel and throw tanty's about structure now.. but they're the professionals.
Anyway, a friedn of mine sends her 2 girls there as well, so I asked her a lot of questions and liked what I heard. Its a Christian preschool. And its fairly structured. 2 HUGE pluses in my eyes. So, last week I brought Kelsey for a look see and to see if they ahd any spots available. They had 1 spot available - a Friday morning. That worked out great since that's the day that my friend's kids go as well. So, for now she'll go one morning a week.
She has been talking about preschool ever since that visit. "Go to preschool today?" "Play with kids today?"
So, finally today dawned. It was the last thing she talked about before sleep last night and the first thing she talked about this morning. I don't know if I've ever seen her wolf down her breakfast so quickly. And it was the only mornings I didn't have to struggle to do her hair (ok.. it was a little lopsided, its hard, Alright?)
Marco happened to be home from work this morning, so off we went as an entire family for Kelsey's first morning of preschool.
As soon as she saw the building, she knew where she was.. off she marched from the car, confident as ever up to the preschool house with her backpack on her back. Inside, Marco met the main teacher - Mrs Maria. Mrs Maria showed Kelsey the "coat" room where Kelsey could hang her backpack. Then off to see the other kids. Kelsey's friends were already there and Hannah asked Kelsey if she'd like to go outside. So, off they went. I don't know if Kelsey even knew we were still there. After watching her play for about 5 minutes, Maroc and I decided to head off on a little date of our own (with Morgan, of course). So, a quick goodbye and all was fine. Mrs Maria took kelsey to see the swings to make it a bit easier for us to get away but there it was. My firstborn is growing up and LOVING prechool.

I picked her up 3 hours later (it was the quietest morning - it was incredible!!) I'm a bit of a loser as I was so excited to pick her up that I forgot to even debrief with any of the teachers to see how she did. I tried to get some info out fo Kelsey - but it was hard to get anything useful out of her. I did learn that they played with water (mostly because her hair and clothes were sopping wet), she may have done some painting (there was paint on her shirt), she listened to a Bible story (I think Jesus was a baby), and the most important thing - she had fruit for snack!!
Iwas pretty embarrassed that I had forgotten to talk to the teachers, so I called them during lunch time (there's a lunch session and an afternoon session as well). Mrs Maria assured me that Kelsey did GREAT! She says that Kelsey has huge self-confidence and the only problem was that she didn't want to stop playing when it was mat time - but she assured me that this is completely normal with the 'littlies' or newbies.
I'm so proud of my little/big girl and I'm SO happy that she can finally go to preschool. Now.. I wonder if we can manage a couple more mornings a week......